"It was a wonderful learning experience" - Dylka on her time with AAPLD
In 1988, Sarah Dylka of DeKalb, IL was hired for a brand new position at Algonquin Area Public Library District, then located solely at 115 Eastgate Drive. She began work as the new Administrative Assistant, working directly under the then-Executive Director, Randall Vlcek. Her role began as a secretary to the Director, but as time has gone on, this position has evolved into so much more, thanks in part to the stepping stones Dylka herself put in place.
"I began the position once my children were old enough to attend school on their own," Dylka said. "It was a wonderful learning experience." Her new position required some skills that were new in an office environment at the time, and she was able to continue her education with computer classes and other skills to learn the tools she would need for the job.
"I enjoyed the job very much," she said. "I learned so many new things, and I always loved working with and for the people. Unfortunately, since I was in an office a lot, I didn't get to interact with the public a lot, but when I did, I enjoyed it."

She was tasked in creating a break room for staff, something that was needed when she first began. "I also handled getting snacks into the building with vendors", beginning the staple of vending machines in our Library buildings that we still have today.
When asked about her most enjoyable days at work, she pointed to the staff inservice days, which are days in which the Library staff come together for team building, speaker presentations, and insightful collaboration."They would invite speakers in, and we'd all get to visit with each other and have lunch. It was a very relaxing time at work."
She would go on to continue to work at AAPLD until 1996, just as the Library turned 75 years old. "I worked at the Library that's now the Eastgate Branch", she said. "I still have my sweatshirt commemorating the 75th. I even entered a poem about the Library for the 75th Birthday, and they made bookmarks with it on it."
When asked about her thoughts on libraries now, she said simply, "we need our library!!"
Continue to join us throughout the rest of 2021 as we celebrate the 100th Birthday of AAPLD with decade-themed programming, reading programs, and prizes. Find out more information here.