Reading Resolutions

Stretch your reading habits with this fun, monthly challenge. Sign up with Beanstack, then read a book that fits each month’s theme. You’ll be eligible for a monthly drawing and entered to win a $100 or $50 gift card at the year’s end. Bookmarks listing all 12 themes are available on request with your next drive-through or curbside pick-up. 

  • January - Famous and Infamous (read a biography)
  • February - And The Winner Is... (read an award winning book)
  • March - Twice Told Tales (read a book that’s been adapted into a movie, TV series, or another book)
  • April - Let’s Get Graphic (read a graphic novel)
  • May - Graduation Day (read a Young Adult book)
  • June - Summer Lovin' (read a romance or a love story)
  • July - #OwnVoices (read a book by an author from a marginalized group about a character from the same group)
  • August - The Great Outdoors (read a book set primarily in nature)
  • September - Back to School (read a literary classic)
  • October - Spooky Reads (read a horror, paranormal or mystery novel, or non-fiction about eerie phenomena, or true crime)
  • November - When I Was Growing Up (read a book set in your childhood/teen decade)
  • December - Short and Sweet (read poetry, short stories, novellas, essays)