Are you having Summer Reading?
Yes, we will have an online Summer Reading program through a product called Beanstack. This program will be similar to previous years, where you will read and do activities to earn prizes.
When does Summer Reading start?
Summer Reading has now been extended through August 15.
How do I sign up for Summer Reading?
You can sign up via our site at Beanstack. First you will need to register for a Beanstack account, which is the software we are using for Summer Reading. Once you have made an account in Beanstack, you can add readers and select the appropriate Summer Reading program to register for.
A family can register all family members in the same account and sign in using the same username and password. We recommend using your email or Library card number as your username.
What is Beanstack?
Beanstack is our new online Summer Reading software. When you create a Beanstack account for yourself or your family, you’re instantly connected to the Algonquin Library Summer Reading program, so you’ll get credit for every minute and every page. We’ll keep all your stats for you, cheer you on while you work towards your program goals, and let you know when you’ve earned prizes. When Summer Reading ends, you keep your account, and your reading history—it’s always free, and you can keep right on logging your leisure reading. When the next library program comes around, no need to re-register—just click on it, and you’re in.
May I add more than one reader to my account?
Of course. You can set up as many profiles as you like, for readers of any age. And if you’re a parent who reads aloud to more than one kid at a time, you can credit that reading time to multiple children’s accounts with a single click—no need to log it in separately for each of your avid listeners.
Do I need a library card to sign up for Summer Reading?
If you have a library card, we would like you to use it as your Username. Your library card can be from any library. If you do not have a library card, you can still sign up for the program, just use an email address as your Username.
How do I log my reading or activities?
Log Online:
• Go to our Summer Reading website beginning June 1 and click on the “Sign In” button to get to your Beanstack account.
• Once you are logged in, you can click the “Log Reading and Activities” button in the upper left corner to log your reading or record an activity.
• To log for different readers, change the reader in the drop down menu, also in the upper left.
Log using the Beanstack Tracker app:
Download the Beanstack Tracker app to get started: Google Play iOS
To log your reading, flip your book over and use your phone to scan the barcode on the back. If you want to get fancy, you can also enter the number of pages, minutes, or hours (nice work!) that you read. If your library uses Activities, they’ll be there on your screen—just click the ones you’ve done.
I don’t have computer access/don’t want to log my books online. How do I participate?
You can print out a paper log and keep track on the log. Then, call the library, and we will log your books online for you.
Youth Log Teen Log Adult Log
How much do I need to read?
YOUTH: Babies - 8th Graders
You have 2 program options, you can keep track by books read or hours read. Not sure whether to choose books or hours? To complete the program with only reading (no activities), it would take 72 books or 24 hours. We recommend that children reading larger chapter books keep track by hours read. Still not sure? Choose the “Youth (24 Hours)” program in Beanstack and log both time and books. If you want to switch Youth programs at any point, contact us and we will take care of it.
To complete the program you will need to earn 24 points by reading and doing activities.
For every 3 books or 1 hour you read you earn a point. For every activity you do you will earn a point. Keeping track on paper? Every point equals one space on the game board.
TEEN: Grades 9-12 (and Graduating Seniors)
One hour of reading earns you 25 Book Bucks that can be used for prize drawings. Mini-prizes are earned along the way. Read for 25 hours to complete the program and be invited to the After Hours Pizza and Pages Party (Due to health safety recommendations, the completion prize of the After Hours Pizza and Pages Party cannot be held this summer. Instead, those who complete the program will automatically receive an extra boost of Book Bucks/Beanstack Tickets to be divided equally among the prize baskets they've selected). Earn extra Book Bucks by participating in our Summer Programs for Teens.
Read a book or complete an activity to get an entry into the weekly drawing. Earn up to 18 entries. After completing five (5) books or activities you will be eligible for a summer reading t-shirt. If you wish to continue tracking your reading in Beanstack beyond that, you are welcome to do so.
What are the prizes and how do I get the prizes I earn?
Every time you hit a reading milestone, you’ll win a badge or get points—a little digital fist bump to celebrate the quality time your brain and your books have been spending together. For every 8 points you will earn a prize. You will get a message that you have earned a prize. You will earn 3 levels of prizes; you can arrange to pick them up as you earn them or you can wait and pick them all up at the same time. The completion prize is a t-shirt and a book. Prizes will be available beginning July 1. When you are ready to get your prize(s), contact the library at 847-458-6060 ext 135 to set up a pickup time.
Every time you hit a reading milestone, you’ll win a badge and Book Bucks—a little digital fist bump to celebrate the quality time your brain and your books have been spending together. Mini-prizes are awarded along the way.
Sign up: 50 Book Bucks and a free book
5 Hours: Dinosaur Scratch Art Bookmark
10 hours: 3D Printed Trinket of Your Choice
15 Hours: Summer Reading Program T-Shirt
25 Hours: Additional Book Bucks. (After Hours Pizza and Pages Party is cancelled due to health safety recommendations.)
A staff member will contact you to arrange mini-prize choice and/or pickup.
Every hour of reading earns you 25 Book Bucks for the following prize baskets: Dino Basket, Minecraft Basket, $50 Visa Gift Card, Gardener Basket, Beach Day Basket. Prize basket drawings will take place after August 15. A staff member will contact the winners and arrange for pickup.
Every week that you earn a badge or complete a square on your paper log, you will be entered in the weekly prize drawing for e-gift cards. Complete five (5) books or activities to earn a Summer Reading t-shirt. T-shirts will not be available until July 1st. A staff member will contact you to arrange for pickup.
How do I update my password in Beanstack?
Tap that little “gear” button in the top right and hit “Edit Account.”
I forgot my password. Can someone look it up for me?
You can reset your password yourself from the Sign In page. Still stuck? Contact the Library via phone, email, or the Contact Us form and we can reset your password for you.
Can I read from my personal collection at home or does it have to be from the Library’s collection?
While we would love for you to check out the wide variety of titles in the Library’s collections, you can also read from your own.
Do ebooks, audio books, and Playaways all count toward the Summer Reading Program?
Yes, all those items count toward completing your reading goal.